Our Mission
The mission of the Sisters of the Divine Savior is to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus, Savior of the world, and to foster an awareness of a loving God among peoples in whatever place and by whatever means the Spirit of God inspires.
As women of faith striving to be given over to our God and open to all peoples, we collaborate to promote justice and to improve quality of life in our world with a preferential option for the poor.
The Sisters of the Divine Savior live out our mission in many ways, often in collaboration with Salvatorian priests and brothers and Lay Salvatorian women and men. Get to know us by reading about our ministries and following our Salvatorian Sentiments blog. You can also read archived copies of our Salvatorian News that mails out twice a year.
Meet Our Sisters
Many of you came to know Sisters of the Divine Savior through our longtime ministries in schools, hospitals and social service agencies. You might have even known one or more of us by our former religious names. To meet all our sisters, click on the button below. If you see someone who looks familiar, click on the name below her photo to read more, and just maybe, get reacquainted.
Sister Liza Segleau
Sister Mary Frost
Sister Grace Mary Croft
Sister Maryann Engelhardt
Sister Deanna Schroeder
Sister Mary Evelyn Zimbauer
Sister Jenada Fanetti
Sister Mary Jo Stoffel
Support Our Mission
What Your Gift Means
For over 125 years, Sisters of the Divine Savior have been a gentle presence in a variety of ministries that connect us to so many people in need. As an international religious congregation, Salvatorian Sisters serve in 26 countries on five continents, guiding people of all faiths and cultures to greater fullness of life.
Your gift enables our Sisters here in the United States and around the world to offer life-giving hope in the name of our Divine Savior. Thank you for sharing your prayers and worldly blessings to support our mission and ministries.
Engage with Us
Feeling a tug for “something more” in your life? Check out what life as a Salvatorian has to offer – and what gifts you can bring to our Salvatorian Family.
Celebrating, grieving or simply giving thanks for life blessings? Share your prayer intentions with us. Our Apostolate of Prayer Ministry is a precious gift of sacred trust to hold your special intentions in our hearts as we pray privately and in community.
Find Your Path
Nurture your gift for serving others as you discern your call to Salvatorian life.
Discern Your Vocation
Take the first step. Find out what Salvatorian life has to offer.
Let Us Pray for You
We'll hold your special intentions in our hearts through our Apostolate of Prayer Ministry.
Prayer Requests
Prayer is the most precious gift we can give to one another.
A Prayer for Mothers
Remember and ponder the love experienced as a grandmother, mother and daughter…
For this we give thanks.
Remember and ponder the many ways I have shared love with others…
For this we give thanks.
Remember and ponder the many ways God’s love has been experienced in my life…
For this we give thanks.
Loving God, my heart is filled with gratitude. Like Mary, my being overflows with praise and thanks. Each day open my eyes, my heart and my entire being to see your goodness in the midst of our broken and fragmented world.
By Sister Jenada Fanetti