The Salvatorian Sisters are a part of the Salvatorian Family, made up of people living all lifestyles: lay single, lay married, vowed religious women and men, and clerical priests. We are Salvatorian Laity, Sisters, Brothers and Priests.
Why is this information important? Because, as you discern your vocation and your place in the community of committed Catholics, we encourage you to take one step at a time so you are certain of the ultimate choice you will make.
Becoming a Salvatorian
We encourage you to become familiar with the Lay branch of our Salvatorian Family as a way to continue your serious discernment process. This may lead you to realize that your lay vocation is valid and vital for the future of the Church in the United States.
If your search ultimately leads to discerning life as a Sister of the Divine Savior, a spiritual director will help guide you as you join in the prayer and social life of the Salvatorians and perhaps volunteer in a joint ministry.

Lay Salvatorians
Get in Touch
Explore the U.S. Lay Salvatorians website or email National Director, Bobby Pantuso for more information.
Catch the Salvatorian Spirit
Get to know the Salvatorian Family by joining us at our gatherings and reading literature explaining our spirituality and history.
Our Founders
Our founders have been declared Blessed by the Church, attesting to their unique roles in addressing the social and spiritual needs of the world of their day, and of ours today.
Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan (John Baptist Jordan) had a strong insight that all people of faith are to be apostles in the world, using their gifts to help others find the loving God through following in the witness of Jesus, Savior of the world.
Blessed Mary of the Apostles (Therese von Wüllenweber) also had a strong insight that led her to search for some missionary group concerned about the world and the needs of women and children. She learned of Jordan and immediately felt his same apostolic spirit. He had founded the Apostolic Teaching Society and she became its first female member.

International Community of the Divine Savior
Later the Church separated the male members from the female members, changing the name to Society of the Divine Savior and Sisters of the Divine Savior (SDS – hence ‘Salvatorians’). Only with Vatican II were the Salvatorians able to bring back the full participation of lay members, now fully recognized in their own right as the International Community of the Divine Savior (Lay Salvatorians).

Yes, we are international and proud of it!