Need is still our guiding star
For more than 125 years, the Sisters of the Divine Savior have been blessed with the generous support of faith-filled people who believe in our mission. Your gift today will help us bring the love and kindness of Christ to others.
- Click on the Make A Donation button to make your online gift safe and securely
- Call the Mission Advancement Office with your credit/debit card: (414) 466-7414
- Mail your check payable to Sisters of the Divine Savior, 4311 N 100th St, Milwaukee, WI 53222
- Name the Sisters of the Divine Savior in your will or estate plan. Call Tim Kasza, Mission Advancement Director at (414) 466-7414 for more information.
- Sisters of the Divine Savior is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
We hold sacred the deep trust between you and your decision to support our mission. We strive to be responsible stewards of your generosity, and to use all our resources with the highest standards of professional accountability practices. We pledge to uphold the Certified Fund Raising Executives (CFRE) Donor Bill of Rights and the International Statement of Ethical Principles in Fundraising.

Ministries Around the World
You can support our mission in a way especially meaningful to you by designating your gift for one of the ministries described below. Or, simply designate your gift to be used for the greatest need.
Salvatorian Sisters living in the United States are involved in many ministries in their local communities. These are just a few of the special needs they hold close to their hearts.
- Area of Greatest Need: Across the United States, our sisters respond to the greatest needs of God’s most vulnerable people of all ages through education, health care, and justice and peace initiatives. Your faithful support helps make these life-giving ministries possible.
- Pastoral Care: Many of our sisters who have retired from full-time ministry in education, social work and health care embrace the privilege of pastoral caregiving. We’re answering a call from God to restore hope, faith and love to the hearts of people who are hurting. Whether comforting the sick, offering grief support, or visiting prisoners, our sisters are the face of Christ to people in need.
- Stop Human Trafficking: We are committed to raising awareness about modern-day slavery, restoring wholeness to victims rescued from enslavement, and advocating for stronger laws and enforcement to help abolish human trafficking. Your contribution will help to ensure justice for survivors of this widespread assault on human dignity.
- Formation/New Membership: Our Salvatorian Formation Program provides rich experiences to help each woman decide if a life of service as a vowed member of our congregation is the best expression of her call to faith. Designating your gift for the formation of new members will provide resources needed to nurture the seeds of service in our Savior’s name.
- Salvatorian Sisters Retirement Fund: Our elder sisters who spent years serving for little or no compensation now face declining health and increasing medical needs. Your gift for retirement needs is a thoughtful way to honor our Salvatorian Sisters’ lifetime of serving others.
- UNANIMA: Sisters of the Divine Savior is part of a multicultural coalition of 21 women religious congregations from around the world known as UNANIMA. This non-governmental organization (NGO) advocates for women and children, immigrants and refugees, and the welfare of our planet. The NGO focuses especially on those who are living in extreme poverty that makes them at risk for human trafficking. Much of UNANIMA’s work takes place at the United Nations in New York City.
International Ministries
Salvatorian Sisters serving in 26 countries on five continents make known the goodness and kindness of our Savior by ministering to the needs of their local people.
- Pakistan Center for Holistic Education: In 1997, Sisters of the Divine Savior from Sri Lanka founded a mission in Youhanabad, where they opened the Salvatorian Center for Holistic Education in a former monastery. The center offers a two-year training program in home economics for girls and women to learn how to run a household and manage finances. They also receive training as seamstresses and beauticians, both in high demand in Pakistan. For Christian and Muslim women, the center creates a path to a better quality of life for themselves and their families.
- Scholarship Fund at the Salvatorian School in Philippines: Enrollment of nearly 140 children pushes capacity of the Salvatorian School in Cebu City. Since its founding in 2006, the school has not increased its tuition because 60% of its students can afford to pay nothing, or only a small portion of the cost of their education. The sisters have developed the scholarship fund to ensure children can continue to receive a quality education at a minimal cost.
- Salvatorian Sisters Home in Sri Lanka: Our local Sri Lankan Sisters operate a home for orphaned girls to help them regain a sense of security and hope for the future. Your gift will help children at the Salvatorian Sisters Home relearn how to love and trust after losing their families.
- Sathirthya Special School in India: The sisters opened the school in Kerala, India in 1994 to provide unique opportunities for children and adults with special needs. They are transforming the cultural attitude toward individuals with mental or physical disabilities by helping each achieve his or her greatest potential.
- The Salvatorian School in the Democratic Republic of the Congo opened in 2002. Today, the kindergarten has five classrooms with 350 children. Over the last 12 years, the school has added primary grades in 13 classrooms with 890 children. It also serves 458 secondary-level students through grade 12.
- The Tanzanian Education Initiative sends Sisters and Lay Salvatorians from the United States to tutor Salvatorian Sisters from Tanzania and other African nations. It’s part of a larger initiative to help them qualify for jobs to better serve their local people and support their local Salvatorian communities. After 10 years, we are working to help our African sisters step up to lead the initiative.
- Formation for new sisters in India allows the province to continue to grow and meet the pastoral needs of the Catholic Christians in their country. In 2014, there were 65 sisters in India and nearly half of them were in some stage of initial formation, preparing to join fully professed sisters in education, youth ministry, social work and nursing.
- Centro de Formação Divino Salvador in Fortaleza Brazil offers training in computer science and computer maintenance, classes in the arts for children and young adults, and a host of services for women from the community. CEFORDS’ focal point is the newly renovated pool used for hydrotherapy for elderly people and disabled children, and swimming lessons for children and young adults.