Letting Go Lent
Guidance, Seasonal Prayers
Lord, you let go to become like us. Your self-emptying is our call this Lent. It is so easy to hold on, store up, grasp because being empty handed is a vulnerable place to be. It stretches our faith in your Providence. It calls us to believe in what we cannot see. Open our eyes…
Salvatorian Prayer for Peace
God of Life and Peace,united with so many people of good will,we entrust to you the countless victimsof conflicts and wars around the worldbut especially in those placeswhere members of our Salvatorian Familyhumbly and generously serve others,to make your merciful and healing love known: in Israel and Palestine,in Ukraine,in the Democratic Republic of Congo,in Pakistan…
Prayer at a Sacred Space
Gratitude, Prayer Archives
We gather together here in this small sanctuary, a space we have tended and planted. It is a space in which we have placed our hopes for the Earth and for the creatures that are our relatives. We stand in awe of the ways small things- like seeds and soil, water and sunlight, birds and…
Gift of Christmas
Prayer Archives, Seasonal Prayers
O Divine Savior, as we celebrate your coming as a child
in the manager, let us remember the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds and the worship of the
wise men …
Holy Week Prayer
Hope, Seasonal Prayers
Lord, Jesus Christ, You became human and tookon the realities of humanity in our world. During Your life on earth,You gave hope, perspective and salvation to many. Your words arechallenging, uplifting, encouraging and guiding. At the end of yourearthly life here in our world, You took upon yourself all sufferingand made the cross a sign…
Morning Prayer
Seasonal Prayers
My core beliefs: God is. God is love. God is not “out there” or “up there.”God is above, below, before, behind, beside, around, within. I don’t need a megaphone to yell to God:“May I have your attention, please,”nor do I need to beg God to listen to me.God is always listening. I don’t have to explain…
A Prayer Guided By Love
Grant us, O God, A vision of your world as your love would have it:A world where the weak are protected,and none go hungry or poor. A world where the riches of creation are honored and sharedso everyone might enjoy them. A world where different races, cultures and creedslive in peace and harmony, with equal…
Prayer to Abolish Human Trafficking
God of hope and peace, touch our hearts and energize our ongoing efforts in abolishing human trafficking, a heinous crime against humanity, so that every victim is freed and every survivor’s life renewed. You blessed St. Josephine Bakhita of Sudan with compassion for others. May her prayers comfort and strengthen the women, men, and children…
Respect Life Month Prayer
Prayer Archives, Seasonal Prayers
For all people throughout the world:
that they might recognize and treat each person
as a masterpiece of God’s creation;
We pray to the Lord:
In honor of the sisters celebrating Jubilee
Praise, Salvatorian
Lord, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world,
In order to follow you faithfully,
and to dedicate myself to the service of Your Church
for the salvation of all,
I renew my sacred commitment to You as a Salvatorian.
A Prayer for Serenity
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Christmas Reflection
Meditations, Seasonal Prayers
Are there new ways for cradling life this Christmas?
Calm in the Christmas Season
Meditations, Seasonal Prayers
What will it take to calm this Christmas Season?
The weeks present many things we don’t need, so little time and room to give.
The Present
Oh Lord, When did I begin to forget picking up the colored leaves
And come to see raking leaves as a burden?
The Beaches of Sri Lanka, My Mother Land, Our Fisher Folk’s Home
We adored you and loved you,
We often visited you when in need, In search of peace and serenity, You had been our temple of contemplation
Remembering Others
Generous God, we have been blessed with your various gifts in so many ways. Make us more and more mindful of all who are in need:
An Anti-Human Trafficking Advent Prayer
Justice, Seasonal Prayers
Lord Jesus, the road to Bethlehem became the flight into Egypt. You were delivered from death so that you could gift us with life.
Pray with us on July 30, World Day Against Human Trafficking
Rescuing God, So many times You have opened prison doors for us and removed the chains that bind us – freeing us to be all we can be.
Prayer for Refugees
God our refuge, You share the journey with migrants and refugees,
lightening their footsteps with hope.
Foundation Prayer
Blessed Mary of the Apostles and Father Francis Jordan, obtain for us from God your strong, steadfast faith, your firm hope, your unbounded charity towards all
Praying Into Our Future
Gracious and Provident God,
bless us with Your grace as we pray into our future together.
Prayer of Mercy and Compassion
Oh gracious God, enlighten my mind and heart with truth, love, mercy, gratitude and compassion.
Grateful to Be a Sister of the Divine Savior
Dear Lord, Today I pray for the students of DSHA and I pray as a Sister to them.
A prayer for mothers
Remember and ponder the love experienced as a grandmother, mother and daughter…
Thank you God for the gift of life!
Thank you God for the gift of life! Inside me You have hidden many special gifts.
Stewardship Prayers
God, all-powerful, Your gifts of love are countless and Your goodness infinite.
Simple Gifts
We thank you, Lord for simple gifts –
The beauty of the fields and flowers,
The gentle spray of waves and rain,
The quiet of reflective thought,
The Prayer of St. Francis de Sales
Be at peace.
Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;
rather look to them with full hope as they arise.
Prayer for a Pandemic
May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.
Prayer for protection against Coronavirus
God of Salvation, We turn to you with a prayer for protection and healing during this time when the Coronavirus is spreading. Help those who are sick.
May Your Kin-dom Come: Prayer for our World
O God, by Your breath, You are the one Source of Life for all people.
A Prayer for Global Restoration
May we always walk gently upon this earth in right relationship, nurtured by Your love, taking only what we need, giving back to the earth in gratitude
Prayer for Students & Teachers
Seasonal Prayers
Lord our God, in Your wisdom and love You surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Prayer into the Darkness
Seasonal Prayers
Our world moves into the season of less daylight and greater darkness.
A Prayer for Mother’s Day
Seasonal Prayers
Remember and ponder the many ways we have experienced the love of our mothers.
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
Seasonal Prayers
God, our Father and Creator, be with us in our schools. Help us to treasure Your gift of life and treat one another with care.
Prayer for Holy Week
Seasonal Prayers
Lord, let everything I do in the coming Holy Week be inspired by You.
Thanksgiving Day Blessing
Seasonal Prayers
O God of all things in heaven and on earth, you give all your people in the world the gift of life, the gift of family, the gift of work, and the gift of rest.
A New Year Prayer
Seasonal Prayers
God of our yesterdays, our today, and our tomorrows, We praise You for Your unequaled greatness.
Prayer for Memorial Day
Seasonal Prayers
God of power and mercy,
you destroy war and put down earthly pride.
A Prayer for Veteran’s Day
Seasonal Prayers
God of peace, we pray for those who have served our nation and have laid down their lives to protect and defend our freedom.
Prayer for National Catholic Sisters Week
Seasonal Prayers
Loving and gracious God, You show your love for all your children by putting special people in our lives. We thank you for giving us the faith-filled friends who support our work to build your kingdom here on earth.
Autumn Prayer
Seasonal Prayers
O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons.
As we embrace these autumn months,
Prayer for Salvatorian Vocations
Loving and faithful God,
we pray that You bless women and men
with the grace of a vocation
Prayer to Blessed Mary of the Apostles
Co-Foundress of the Salvatorian Sisters
Blessed Mary of the Apostles
Prayer of the Salvatorian Family
Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the World,
You took on our human nature
to save all of humankind from sin and error
and to teach lasting truth.
A Salvatorian Prayer
Jesus, Savior of the World, You became our Brother and shared with us all that is human.
To Give My Life – Adapted from Fr. Jordan’s Spiritual Diary
Father, help me to give my life
to You and to my brothers and sisters
who have been rescued at such great cost.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
O God, in the past you called men and women
to dedicate their lives to you
Father Jordan’s Prayer
Here I am Lord, Jesus, Savior of the world
I am here
to make known Your name!
Father Francis Jordan Birthday Reflection
Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, You called Father Francis of the Cross Jordan to be your apostle, to make God known and loved by all people everywhere, using all the means your love inspires.
Adapted from Father Francis Jordan’s Spiritual Diary
But everything through God, with God and for God.
A Prayer for Jordan Awareness Week
Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, you called Father Francis of the Cross Jordan to be your apostle, to make God known and loved by all people everywhere, using all the means your love inspires.
VOCARE Blessing
Divine Savior, giver of all good things, we ask you to bless us to share our gift in mission, as well as to receive gifts from those who touch our lives.
September 5 – Feast of Blessed Mary of the Apostles
Merciful God, You granted Blessed Mary of the Apostles the gift of a generous apostolic love, and urged her to world-wide missionary dedication.