You might already know us. As you read about us here, who knows? You might discover a long-lost friend!
More Ways to meet our sisters
Can't find a Salvatorian Sister you used to know? Below are three ways to further your search.
In Memoriam
Read about our sisters who now rest in peace.
Remembering Lives of Service
Their lives of service continue to inspire our ministries today.
Sister's Names
Are you looking for a sister but only remember her name before 1965?
What's in the name?
Discover if a sister you used to know has a different name.
Find a Sister
Are you looking for a sister you remember as a teacher, caregiver or friend?
Get Connected
Let us help you get in touch with a sister you used to know.
Discern Your Vocation
Discerning God's call to join the Salvatorians is different for everyone. It can be an all-consuming desire. Or just a tug at the heart. Chat with us, or maybe attend one of our events. In the meantime, read about our co-founders and pray.