"I have become more than I ever imagined and have traveled innumerable places because of my various ministries. Each day of my life as a woman religious I have gone to work and looked forward to it."
Sister Clarice Steinfeldt, SDS, came to know the Salvatorian Sisters at St. Mary’s Nursing School in Wausau, Wis. She soon diverged from nursing to teaching, but not her path to join the religious community. Back in her Wisconsin hometown Diocese of La Crosse, she shared her love for art with Holy Name elementary school students in Wausau. Sr. Clarice was also a teacher and principal at Mother of Good Counsel and St. Pius X parish schools in Milwaukee and St. Mary’s School in Landover Hills, Md. She also served as principal at Divine Savior High School in Milwaukee. Sr. Clarice sums up her longtime education ministry, saying “Wherever I was, I loved it.”
Today, Sr. Clarice is best known for her paper cuttings, which she often frames or fashions into greeting cards and ornaments for the Gallery of the Sisters of the Divine Savior in Milwaukee. You can learn more about Sr. Clarice and her art on our Art Gallery page.
Sr. Clarice celebrated 75 years professed in 2023.