The Sisters of the Divine Savior Congregation, also known as Salvatorians, was co-founded in Tivoli, Italy in 1888 by Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross (John Baptist) Jordan with Blessed Mary of the Apostles (Therese von Wuellenweber). We take our name from the Latin word Salvator, meaning Savior. Our international congregation of more than 1,000 sisters ministers in 26 countries on five continents.
Our Mission
Our mission as Sisters of the Divine Savior is to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus, Savior of the world, and to foster an awareness of a loving God among peoples in whatever place and by whatever means the Spirit of God inspires. As women of faith striving to be given over to our God and open to all peoples, we collaborate to promote justice and improve quality of life in our world with a preferential option for the poor.

Our Charism
To be deeply rooted in Jesus, our Savior, as we share His mission of worldwide evangelization with simplicity and trust in God.
Our Vision
We Salvatorian Sisters, in solidarity with the global community, step forward into the future with vitality, hope and courage to change.
Our Core Values
- Collaboration
- Responsible stewardship
- Promote justice
- Improve quality of life
- Preferential option for the poor