
2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Virginia Honish

As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday.

In the business of the life of a 20 year old, here is what I would suggest:

Sister Virginia (22) and her mother, May 1960
  1. Take a few minutes of quiet time EVERY day to reflect on your day. Ask yourself the following questions: Did I give quality time to myself and others today? Did I formulate my own opinions about an issue, an experience, or a circumstance and have my own reasons for this opinion, or did I only repeat the thinking of others?

2. At age 22 I had just completed two years of teaching 47 second graders. As a new teacher I thought that I would never catch up to the experience and multiple teaching materials that the more experienced teachers had; it was a little overwhelming. If this sounds like your experience in a new job, here is my advice: name your own gifts and talents. Be your best self and take one day, or one week at a time. Build relationships with your students and/or your co-workers, set your own standards, be CONSISTENT and you’ll be fine!

3. My dad frequently told his three daughters the following: “Just keep your nose clean!” Around age 20, your life is evolving at a fast pace socially and probably in a new profession or workplace. It is very easy and perhaps even tempting, to get caught up in other people’s business. My advice is: think through the decisions you are making about your own life, the opinions you’re forming, and be selective with whom you share these thoughts. Be mindful of your speech and your actions; life will be fulfilling!

Salvatorian Sentiments

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