Canonizations won’t be forgotten

Linda Szatkowski, finance director here at Sisters of the Divine Savior, had the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Rome with her husband, Eric, to see the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII on April 27, 2014. That day, the skies were overcast and were occasionally producing sprinkles over Linda, Eric, and the rest of the crowd. As soon as the bells of the basilica began to ring, signaling the official sainthood of the two popes, the sun peeked through the clouds.

“It gave me goosebumps,” Linda recalls. The moment will be one she will never forget. Eric recounts all the details of their memorable trip in this week’s Catholic Herald.

(photo by Eric Szatkowski)

Salvatorian Sentiments

Birthday Goodness and Kindness: Sister Mary Jo

Making known the goodness and kindness of Jesus, our Savior, is vital to our mission as Sisters of ...
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Birthday Goodness and Kindness: Sister Sheila

Making known the goodness and kindness of Jesus, our Savior, is vital to our mission as Sisters of ...
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