We celebrate our Foundation Day
Today, we celebrate the 126th anniversary of our founding in Tivoli, Italy by Mother Mary of the Apostles (Therese von Wüllenweber) with Father Francis (John Baptist) Jordan. When at age 49, Therese met Fr. Jordan, his apostolic zeal inspired her to leave everything behind to follow the road willed for her by God. At that time, Fr. Jordan had already founded the Apostolic Teaching Society in Rome and Therese became a member.
Fr. Jordan’s new religious movement envisioned women and men from all walks of life, together building up God’s Kingdom. Jordan’s “new apostles” would look beyond boundaries of nations, race and gender, and never rest until the world knows Jesus, our Savior. Today, the Sisters of the Divine Savior Congregation is the women religious branch of the Salvatorian Family that includes Priests and Brothers of the Society of the Divine Savior, as well as Lay Salvatorians throughout the world.
Our co-founder, Mary of the Apostles, served as mother of our congregation until she died in Rome while her Sisters were celebrating midnight Mass on December 25, 1907.