Celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, 2015
National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) is a celebration of Catholic sisters to raise awareness of their vital contributions, both past and present. Every American can be inspired or empowered by Catholic sisters, especially young women who grapple with major life decisions and explore their spirituality; they can draw great strength and wisdom from Catholic sisters.
Catholic sisters lives and ministries often remain behind the scenes. The hope is that those who learn more about women religious will be inspired and compelled to engage in self reflection, service and simple acts of kindness. We also pray that more young women will consider a religious vocation as a viable life path.
Catholic sisters go where the needs are and the needs have changed. More than 100 years ago, there was a need for formalized education and health care in the U.S. Women religious responded by founding and operating schools and hospitals, so people came to associate Catholic sisters with those institutions. Today, their calling has shifted but their work is no less vital. Read about the ministries of our Salvatorian Sisters here.
How can you participate?
- Any time you tell the story or share the good work of a Catholic sister – whether through a one-one conversation, a blog post or a tweet – you are participating in NCSW. Post a story about a Sister of the Divine Savior who made a difference in your life on our Facebook page.
- Milwaukee area friends can join for Lenten Vespers and participate in our Simple Gifts Collection.
- Join us in prayer for the sisters of today, yesterday, and tomorrow.