Celebrate the past, present and future of religious life
Look to the past with gratitude. Live the present with passion. Embrace the future with hope. (Pope Francis)
Our Sisters Karlyn Cauley, Mary Lee Grady, Nelda Hernandez and Mary Jo Stoffel will join their voices in song with other women and men religious of the Milwaukee Archdiocese for a prayer service on Pentecost Sunday, June 4. This annual celebration of consecrated life will take place at 2:00 p.m. in St. Joseph Chapel at 1501 S. Layton Blvd. in Milwaukee. Archbishop Jerome Listecki will preside and give a homily to lift up the women and men of religious communities, especially those based in the Milwaukee area.
It’s another example of our Salvatorian collaboration, as Fr. Peter Schuster, SDS and Salvatorian Clerics Marcel Emeh and Simon Meuma will also sing in the massed choir of sisters, men religious and priests of the archdiocese.
For more information about the prayer service, contact Sr. Mary Jane Wagner at 414-385-5246.