Legacy gift is part of God’s plan

Rae D. believes connecting with the Sisters of the Divine Savior was divine providence, much as her life has been. In fall 2010, she and her husband Gary G. attended a religious conference where they heard about Salvatorian Sister Jean Schafer’s Stop Trafficking Newsletter. After contacting Sr. Jean, the Florida couple made a decision to support the Salvatorian Sisters’ ministry to combat human trafficking and assist survivors of this modern-day form of slavery.
Rae explains their passion for the cause, saying, “Individuals living in bondage, with no name, no rights, and no means of escaping is devastating to me. The work that SDS has done and continues to do in this area has been tremendous. We wanted to support their efforts.”
That plan didn’t change when Gary passed away last year. Rae shares honestly how her faith has carried her through the loss of her husband and her mother a year earlier.
“It is always good to place your suffering in perspective with the crosses others carry. Looking at the crosses of human trafficking victims really places things in perspective. I always say, ‘God has a plan and it is a perfect plan.’ If you keep focused on the fact that you are called to walk the will of God, there is a grace that is given to you to continue on your path, whatever it may be.”
Rae says personally and in their profession as pharmacists, she and Gary found strength in each other, and helped each other make the best decisions for their family. One of those decisions was to leave the majority of their estate to charity. Rae says, “It made perfect sense that we would leave the monies to what was near and dear to our hearts; to help those most vulnerable in society – human trafficking victims.”
Support Our Mission
“Our support of Sister Barbara’s congregation flows from our love for her, and all that she is and stands for.”
- Kathleen and Tom B., Mission Well Charter Members
What Your Gift Means
For over 125 years, Sisters of the Divine Savior have been a gentle presence in a variety of ministries that connect us to so many people in need. As an international religious congregation, Salvatorian Sisters serve in 26 countries on five continents, guiding people of all faiths and cultures to greater fullness of life.
Your gift enables our Sisters here in the United States and around the world offer life-giving hope in the name of our Divine Savior. Thank you for sharing your prayers and worldly blessings to support our mission and ministries.