May they rest in peace
We ask for your prayers for Sister Katharina Tang, SDS, who passed away October 10 and was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Milwaukee last Monday. We also grieve the death of Sister Phyllis Hoffman, SDS, whose funeral services will be held tomorrow, October 24. Visitation for Sr. Phyllis will begin at 12:30 p.m. at St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus Chapel in Milwaukee, with her Mass of Christian Burial to follow at 1:30 p.m.
Sr. Katharina made her first vows in 1950 in Milwaukee after coming to the U.S. when China came under Communist rule. Five years later she became a U.S. citizen, and was asked to serve as a missionary in Taiwan with three other Chinese Sisters. She served five parishes and several mission stations staffed by our Salvatorian priests and brothers there. When our mission in Taiwan closed in 2010, Sister Katharina returned to our North American Province.
Sr. Phyllis, (formerly Sr. Mary George) passed away on Tuesday this week and will be buried next Monday at Holy Cross Cemetery. She dedicated 38 years as an instructor and director of the radiography program at St. Mary’s Hospital, Wausau Hospital, Inc., and Northcentral Technical College, all in Wausau, Wis. Her years of service in the medical imaging field coincided with an explosion of technology with nuclear medicine, ultrasound, CT scanning, magnetic resonance imaging and computer enhanced imaging. Sr. Phyllis constantly upgraded her knowledge and skills and passed them along to her students.