Meet Sister Liberata Kihaka, SDS
My name is Sister Liberata Kihaka, SDS. I was born in 1981 at the hospital Kifanya Njombe Region, Tanzania. We have seven in my family. I have three brothers and two sisters and me, the last born.
My father’s name is Joseph Kihaka and my mother’s name is Erenesta. My mother and my father have taken care of me and they have shown me the way of Jesus. They help me to know the Gospel and to know the love of God.
I started primary school in 1990 and in 1997 I was finished. After finishing primary school, I remained one year at home to help my parents. Two years later, in December 2000, I joined the Salvatorian Sisters.
I made first vows in 2008, second vows in 2014. Now I live in the community at Dar es Salaam. I feel very happy in the community. I have started tailoring at Msimbazi parish.
Thank you, Madam Sue and Margaret for this program. They help us to know English and they help others who are poor. They also help us to know how to meditate on the word of God.