National Catholic Sisters Week: Shining a bright light on Catholic Sisters
The third annual National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) coming up March 8-14, 2016 celebrates the profound impact of Catholic women religious in our community and around the world. The week is planned in tandem with March’s National Women’s History Month, to bring to mind that religious life is a meaningful and viable choice for the millennial generation.
NCSW was launched in 2014 to enlighten people of all ages on how Catholic Sisters and their ministries have influenced education, health care and social services across the U.S. The week long message also focuses on how women religious continue to adapt their ministries over the years in response to changing needs. Sisters of the Divine Savior have followed that path since first coming to the U.S. in 1895. Their primary ministry at that time was providing home health care which eventually led to founding hospitals. Likewise, they established parish schools and for many years served as teachers and principals to generations of children.
Times have changed and Catholic Sisters have adapted to those changes along the way. For example, today our sisters involved with human anti trafficking ministry advocate for stronger laws and raise awareness about this modern day form of slavery. Their ministry is in direct response to the growth of this worldwide criminal enterprise. Our sisters collaborate with other women religious congregations and law enforcement agencies to educate health care personnel and the hospitality industry about the signs of human trafficking and how to take action.
National Catholic Sisters Week is supported by a $3.3 million grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and is headquartered at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Hilton Foundation was created in 1944 by the international business pioneer who founded Hilton Hotels. Hilton left his fortune to help the world’s disadvantaged and vulnerable people, and supporting the work of Catholic Sisters was near and dear to his heart. It is one of six priorities the Foundation focuses on today.
Check our Facebook page each day in the coming week as we feature a member of our congregation and share about her ministry.