During 2023 Catholic Sisters Week, we’re shining a light on the international members of our General Administration, or Generalate, in Rome. Over the week, we’ll share the answers of our seven Team Members to questions about their call to religious life and what it means to belong to the international Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Savior.
Prior to her current position as General Secretary, Sister Juby V. Mathew, SDS found the most value teaching children at schools throughout India. Now, she serves her international congregation of more than 1,000 sisters ministering in 26 countries on five continents.
1) How did you come to know the Sisters of the Divine Savior and decide to enter?
In my village in India, I had a good contact with the Claretian Sisters in my parish and the Carmelite Sisters in my neighboring parish, where I studied. I also actively participated in the parish activities. The Claretian Sisters kept an eye on me as a child and we were very friendly with each other. Although I had developed a liking for the Sisters as a young girl, I knew did not want to enter their congregation.
At the end of the high school, I participated in a vocation camp. I came to know many congregations. It was there that I came to know Salvatorian Sisters, Sisters Asha K.V. and Lizy Sacarias. It was through their open spirit that I experienced the Salvatorian spirit of openness and universality. I felt that I was called to be a Salvatorian. After a three-month experience with the sisters, my first impressions were confirmed, and I happily decided to enter formation. With the formators from Sri Lanka, Superiors from Austria, and young sisters from India, religious life for me was rich from the beginning.
2) What was your ministry prior to serving in international Leadership?
I primarily taught in various schools in three states of India.
3) What is your most memorable experience as a Salvatorian Sister?
Teaching students – this is where I learned the value of listening to people. I have some touching experiences for this time in my life.
4) Why is international collaboration important to the Sisters of the Divine Savior?
Through collaboration, the world is one; gaps and distances are reduced. More and more, people are learning to live and work together with various cultures and nationalities. We as a Congregation reflect the present society. We go beyond the borders to extend the spirit of universality. We learn to give and take in this atmosphere. Through this collaboration, we put together our strengths and efforts as one. I would say this is the future.