Our Global Salvatorian Community: Sister Maria Yaneth Moreno, SDS
During 2023 Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, we’re shining a light on the international members of our General Administration, or Generalate, in Rome. Over the week, we’ll share the answers of our seven Team Members to questions about their call to religious life and what it means to belong to the international Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Savior.
Prior to her current position as General Superior, Sister Maria Yaneth Moreno, SDS advocated for the rights of Colombia’s most vulnerable people. Now, she serves her international congregation of more than 1,000 sisters ministering in 26 countries on five continents.
1) How did you come to know the Sisters of the Divine Savior and decide to enter?
Through S. Maria Escobar (may she rest in peace), who led the vocations program in my town in Colombia. She visited my secondary school and invited interested people to have a dialogue with her. I participated and realized I connected the charism of the Salvatorian Sisters. I felt the call to enter formation and continued talking to Sr. Maria to learn as much as possible.
2) What was your ministry prior to serving in international Leadership?
I served for 20 years in a poor area in Choco, Colombia working for the rights of black and Indigenous peoples. I was part of a team advocating for essential leadership training, and human rights, health care, and Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) issues.
3) What is your most memorable experience as a Salvatorian Sister?
Working in the middle of the civil war in my country of Colombia and trying to save the lives of poor people. I remember the happiness of families when they finally received the bodies of their loved ones. I have always held this situation close to my heart.
4) Why is international collaboration important to the Sisters of the Divine Savior?
As stated in our charism, from the beginning, our Founder, Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, wanted to work with as many collaborators as possible. His mission of worldwide evangelization is easier to share when we all work together. I remember the words of a Congregational Leader involved in the International Union of Superior Generals (UISG): “Why do alone, what we can do together?” It is important for Salvatorians to work together, cooperate, and collaborate to achieve greater results in our efforts to build a more just world.