Sr Liz Christensen 2023 birthday website

Sister Elizabeth Ann Christensen’s Birthday Reflection

In celebration of our sisters’ birthdays in 2023, we asked them to share an age they would like to go “back” to. On her birthday, Sister Liz shares why she values her current age.

By Sister Elizabeth Ann “Liz” Christensen, SDS
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

When asked the question: “if you could go back to any age, what would it be and why?” – I sat and reflected. There were many moments that popped into my memory: sitting on Dad’s lap as a child and laughing as he made faces; making my vows as a Sister of the Divine Savior; as a Licensed Practical Nurse, going into the room of a patient who was in distress and uncomfortable, and after a bed bath, linen change, and backrub, leaving the patient comfortable and relaxed; a surprise opportunity for a free cruise to Alaska with another Sister; the opportunity to live and work in Italy for three years; and the list kept growing. But in the end, if offered the chance to go back, I would politely refuse. At age 85, I am closer than ever to getting to see God/Jesus. I wouldn’t want to delay that by taking time to go back and relive some earthly pleasure.

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