Sister Grace Mary Croft’s Birthday Reflection
In celebration of our sisters’ birthdays in 2023, we asked them to share an age they would like to go “back” to. On her birthday, Sister Grace Mary shares the age where she realized achieving “perfection” is an endless quest.
By Sister Grace Mary Croft, SDS
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I clearly recall an AH-HA moment in my 30’s when I realized that contrary to what I had understood from my grade school religion classes, striving for “perfection” is a lifetime goal. It is not going to be finished any time soon. That moment of grace gave me a new perception of the process of life and of our God who walks with me!
At the same time, as an “old” history teacher, I think of all the history my 85 years have held. I am grateful for all the ways that God’s grace moves us forward and often saves us from ourselves!