Sr. Mary: Am I Retired??
“I know nothing of tomorrow, except the love of God will rise before the sun, the love of God will rise before the sun.” This particular song and theme is characteristic of my life.
Presently I am retired, which means that I have the time to do things that I really like to do- like teach! I only teach adults, and those only who come to the classes voluntarily. It seems that the easiest way to talk about what I am doing is to go through my schedule for the week. On Sunday mornings, I take the Eucharist to a shut-in. She is Polish and a fervent Catholic! Then I go to the 11:00 AM Mass and often substitute as a Eucharistic Minister.
On Mondays, I read at Mass at St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus and see our Salvatorian Sisters there. Then I go to the Community House and visit as well. In the afternoon I take a group doing the 19th Annotation Retreat CHOOSING CHRIST IN THE WORLD, by Fr. Joseph Tetlow, S.J. Then in the evening, I teach the Acts of the Apostles by Jeff Cavins at St. John the Evangelist parish.
On Tuesday morning I go to the Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake to attend Mass. Later on in the morning, there is a class for people who have arthritis which I take at Clement Manor which is run by the School Sisters of St. Francis.
Wednesday morning I teach Matthew’s Gospel by Jeff Cavins, at St. John Vianney Parish in Brookfield, WI. That evening it’s my turn to cook! I try to shop for fresh vegetables to serve.
Thursday morning I teach Matthew’s Gospel at St. Mary’s Parish in Hales Corners. St. Mary’s Parish is very large, and is beautiful. It is also one of the oldest parishes in the Archdiocese. Thursday afternoon I teach the Psalms to three women, including our candidate. The class is held at St. Pius X convent on 76th Street in Wauwatosa. Thursday evenings Sister Nelda and I go to St. John’s the Evangelist Parish, which is only about six blocks from our house, to do an hour of adoration. St. John the Evangelist has adoration 24/7 when there is no Mass or other ceremony.
Friday morning I teach Acts of the Apostles again by Jeff Cavins for the people who cannot come at night. At night time I teach for people who work and cannot come during the daytime!
On Saturday afternoon I attend the 4:00 PM Mass at St. Mary’s in Hales Corners again, and am a Eucharistic Minister. Our house is between St. John the Evangelist and St. Mary’s in Hales Corners.
In between, Sister Nelda and I find time to share together and have some fun!
I love this retirement schedule.
By Sr. Mary Frost, SDS