Sr. Liza: A Letter Home from Guatemala
We share Sister Liza Segleau’s latest update since arriving in Guatemala. Please continue to keep all our Salvatorian Family members in your prayers as their mission initiative in Guatemala continues to unfold.
I’m keeping busy traveling around the hill sides with Mariangeles, a lay Salvatorian. People are seeking me out for consults on behavioral health needs….so that has kept me busy. I’ve been helping with 0-5 program for children and their mothers. More than 50 percent of children are malnourished. In regular meetings the children are weighed and classes are given to the mothers on practical ways of caring for their kids. I participated in making a special mixture of grains which is taken to the local “deposito” for grinding and then it is given to the mothers for making a special nutritional drink for their kids in need. Pictures included of the toasting of the grains, which is done on a wood stove in the kitchen of the Chinsguachin Parish…up the hill from the San Sebastian house.
As I have traveled with Mariangeles up and down the hills and through the villages, I have met a ton of people. I am beginning to see familiar faces in different events now. I have seen them working in the fields, washing potatoes in the local river, I have shared meals with them, funerals and been at local Parish meetings with them. Pictures also included. They are always happy to see Mariangeles and are happy to have Sr. Liza as a new friend and supporter of their daily life needs.
We are also planning on starting an AA group here in town. There are two interested guys so far…so we will probably look at November to start that up.
I also met the Bishop briefly at the graduation of 500 people who finished their training as preachers, catechists, lectors, etc. The mass was held at the formation program in San Marcos. Picture of the Bishop included. I was way in the back of the hall. It was packed.
I’m adding some photos of the roads I travel almost daily with Mariangeles. They are made out of rocks…laid down by the people themselves in each village. Ton of hard, back breaking work. But if they don’t do it, nothing gets done by the local municipality.
I will send more photos tomorrow. …all for now…very tired today….
Sr. Liza Segleau, SDS