Sr. Malia served in the U.S. and Taiwan
Please join us in prayer for Sr. Malia Kao, SDS, who died on Sunday, July 31. The Mass of Christian Burial for Sr. Malia will take place Friday, August 5 at St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus, 3800 N. 92nd Street in Milwaukee. Visitation will begin in the chapel at 12:30 p.m. followed by Mass at 1:00 p.m.
Sr. Malia was professed just one year before Communist takeover forced her to leave her homeland of mainland China in 1949. Leaving China was hard, but Sr. Malia found support among the small group of Salvatorian Sisters who emigrated together to the U.S. In 1952, she went to St. Savior Hospital in Portage, Wis. (now Divine Savior Healthcare) to help out for a week. That week turned into nine years and eventually Sr. Malia became certified as a lab technician.