Tanzanian Education Initiative lifts up Salvatorian collaboration
For the ninth consecutive year, Sisters of the Divine Savior will sponsor our Tanzanian Education Initiative to build English language skills among our African Sisters. But this year there’s a bit of a twist: for the first time, two Lay Salvatorians will lead the three-week language immersion program.
We are deeply grateful to Lay Salvatorians Sue Haertel and Margaret Scola who will devote their time and talents to help our African sisters strengthen their English reading writing and speaking skills. Ultimate goal is to advance their professional education in areas including medicine, teaching, social work and pastoral care. In Africa, advancing to the next level means taking government tests given in English.
We’ll send off Sue and Margaret with our prayers and best wishes at a simple missioning ceremony in the Community House chapel on June 6 at 3:30 p.m. They leave for Tanzania the next day and are scheduled to return to the U.S. on July 13.