The Hotel is Up and Running
By Sister Darlene Pienschke, SDS
Desert Mission – Tucson, Arizona
Greetings from Casa Alitas.
Due to the large numbers arriving at the Immigration Center at Casa Alitas, and because COVID-19 requires greater distancing between our guests (immigrants), we are using another facility called the “Hotel” for overflow when guests need to stay with us for awhile. The Hotel is up and running, so we are publishing our need for volunteers for transportation, as well as for volunteers to work in our Clothing and Kitchen Departments at Casa Alitas.
Due to COVID practices, since our Medical Department has adequate Nurse Practitioners and Doctors working each shift, I have been spending my days working in both the clothing and kitchen departments. I rather like the variety of work and the staff really need and appreciate the help.
This last week, a new Redemptorist Priest came to Casa Alitas and has offered to say Mass each Sunday at Casa Alitas. Father Michael McAndrew has come from California where he lived, worked, and journeyed in a Ministry with Migrants for over twenty years. He has just published his book, called LA FE DEL MIGRANTE. I am reading it SLOWLY, it’s in Spanish!
His insights are a gift to be shared as he dwells with migrants and listens to the hearts of a people who tell him, “Father, we don’t need you to be our social worker or an advocate, we need you to be our Priest! Bring us the love of Christ. Show us how to follow Jesus.” He writes … “migrants are a model for Christianity because they seek a better life with confidence in God in the most difficult situations and times. They may vacillate on issues of doctrine, but they come with love in their hearts, and where there is love, there is God!
Keep us all in your prayers. I miss you all.