
The tractor is STILL on a roll

Six years ago, Sister Virginia Honish, SDS launched a grass-roots fundraising campaign to buy a tractor for Salvatorian Sisters in Tanzania in East Africa. In less than six months, “Sr. Virginia’s tractor project” raised more than $70,000. The generosity of our Sisters’ family members, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School alumnae, parish communities, and many longtime friends made it happen.

Sr. Virginia witnessed the struggles of Tanzanian villagers to feed their families when she spent summer 2010 teaching English as a Second Language to our Tanzanian Sisters.  The Sisters work closely with their people to improve farming methods for greater yields, but their worn out tractor was no longer serving the vital working-learning partnership.

Fast forward to summer 2017. Lay Salvatorians Sue Haertel and Margaret Scola went to Tanzania to resume our English Language Immersion Program for our African Sisters.  Sue brings us up to date on the tractor:

“The sisters continue to care for and use the tractor.  They even rent it out to others to use for their crops. Doing so shares the tractor and rental fees provide funds for the upkeep of the tractor.

“This year the rains came late. Our Sisters were able to use the tractor to plant the corn they needed. Those without use of the tractor did not have as big a harvest.

Sister Maxensia Danda, SDS was very proud of her harvest and will be happy to share it with the villagers who need food when the food they have runs out.”

Salvatorian Sentiments

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