University exhibit will showcase Sr. Karlyn Cauley’s “Woman Series”
From a distance, beautiful women in Sr. Karlyn Cauley’s watercolors are a dramatic departure from her past work. Look closer, and you’ll see the flora and fauna of her signature Shaker art find new homes in the saris, marriage shawls and head-wraps of the ethnic women she helps us come to know in “Woman Series.”
Now, Sr. Karlyn’s original works will engage a wider audience as part of an exhibit at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Inspired: The Power of Art & Faith is made possible in part by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee. It opens Friday, September 18 and runs through Friday October 9 in the Student Union Art Gallery at 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd. An opening night reception begins at 5:00 p.m. Sr. Karlyn will also take part in an artist panel on Thursday, October 1 starting at 7:00 p.m. Both events are free and open to the public. Click here for more information: unionartgallery.uwm.edu
Sr. Karlyn’s “Woman Series” note cards are available for purchase here: https://sistersofthedivinesavior.org/art-gallery/women-series-cards-gallery/