News & Events
Preparations for the Beatification: Refurbishment of the Motherhouse Chapel
Adapted from Society of the Divine Savior Generalate One of the major preparations for the beatification of our founder, Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, was the transfer of his mortal remains to the Society of the Divine Savior’s Motherhouse chapel in Rome. In order to offer Blessed Francis Jordan a worthy place, the…
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Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan
We’ll celebrate the day we call him Blessed
On May 15, 2021, the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, Italy will be the site of the beatification of our co-founder, Father Francis Jordan. Fr. Jordan’s path to beatification began in 1943, when documentation of his life and works was sent to the Vatican for review. After Fr. Jordan received the title, “Servant…
Read MoreTogether, we wield the power of prayer
As members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, we stand with the other more than 1300 leaders of Catholic sisters nationwide as we make this statement: The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) joins with the world in praying for peace after witnessing the violence and lawlessness yesterday in our nation’s capital. We are…
Read MoreSister Jean Schafer, SDS honored for long-time anti-human trafficking efforts
Sister Jean Schafer, SDS was honored today with the Sister Margaret Nacke, CSJ Bakhita Award for exemplary service in the cause to end human trafficking.
Read MoreTake Your Houseplants for a Walk
If Salvatorian Sisters took their plants for a walk, would they tie a string around the pot and stroll around the neighborhood? Or hold it in their arms and introduce it to their neighbors and friends? For the somewhat quirky “Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day”, we dug a little deeper into the relationships…
Read MoreFinding grace amid the pandemic
Our COVID-19 Response Our Salvatorian Sisters community remains vigilant in both prayers and precautions to slow the spread of COVID-19. We pray for ALL those who are doing their best to lead us, our heroic medical and health care workers, and everyone who suffers from physical illness or anxiety in this uncertain time. Thus far,…
Read MoreA Woman Named Emily
By Sister Patrice Colletti, SDS In addition to teaching (which we are doing remotely now), I am part of St. Kateri Parish’s ministry to the homebound. Normally, I visit with four people at Tekakwitha Living Center, our local skilled nursing facility. One of them is one of Sister Irene’s sisters, Teresa, and another is Celine,…
Read MoreHere’s a fresh take on traditional folk art
Folk art is not dead. Just ask Max “God Smuggler” Ramsey, the first customer in line for Salvatorian Sister Karlyn Cauley’s new venture into tattoo artistry. “When I first came to Sr. Karlyn’s studio, I was still trying to decide on a design. Sr. Karlyn said, ‘How about the Peaceable Kingdom?’ and she showed me…
Read MoreMotherhouse in times of coronavirus…
Life in times of unforeseen… First of all, we would like to thank each one of you for your greetings, concerns and prayers in this time of coronavirus. We want to tell you that we, all the sisters, are well and safe. Yes, this is an unforeseen period for all of us like the rest…
Read MoreAnswers to our #SDS125yrsintheUSA crossword
All the answers to our anniversary crossword puzzle can be found in our timeline stories. Start reading here:
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