Posts Tagged ‘Lenten Reflection’
In these tentative times
By Sister Patrice Colletti, SDS In these tentative times when it seems as ifall our world iswaiting, wounded, or worried,it can be easy to forget-this is a time of Resurrection. Rebirth, renewal, the melting of Winter and perhaps alsothe melting of icy hearts Those happen, even whenunnoticed or un-celebratedas we compare numbers on the nightly news,hesitantly venture out…
Read MoreThemes of Holy Week
By Sister Beverly Heitke, SDS Holy Thursday is so profound in the mystery of Jesus as Servant Leader – especially with the washing of the feet. The segment of the Gospel relating this event is deeply moving for me. The Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday Triduum is a time to reflect on Letting Go…
Read MoreCoping with the coronavirus as individuals and communities
By Sister Karlyn Cauley, SDS No one could know that the Lenten journey this year would take us into a very real wilderness. Right now there is self-quarantine for nearly all activities where I live in an apartment building for 60 elderly African Americans. It is in the midst of an impoverished neighborhood in the…
Read MoreHoly Week Reflection in a Time of Pandemic
By Sister Carol Thresher, SDS What makes a week holy? What makes this week holy? Normally, during these days I am drawn to pray the gospel story of Jesus, open to new insights. Jesus moves through the crowd’s acclamation on Palm Sunday, into supper with his companions where he encounters heart wrenching betrayal culminating in…
Read More“We are All in This Together,” interpreting a Pandemic
By Sister Karlyn Cauley, SDS I am watching a lot more TV since I began self-quarantine two weeks ago. I feel ambiguous about watching, but I also need to hear other adult voices. I watch the regular channels, not cable TV, and some of the commercials are not advertising products; rather they insert segments that…
Read MoreNavigating the uncharted waters of this season with faith
By Katie Konieczny, DSHA President and ’92 Alumna Beginning on Wednesday, March 18, we transitioned our students to online learning, and our faculty and staff to working remotely. Thus, over the past couple of weeks, we have found ourselves asking questions and facing situations that are brand new to all of us – all with…
Read MoreThe Holy Thursday Revolution
By Sister Sheila Novak, SDS Blue Bloods is one of my favorite TV shows. It is not too bloody even though crimes are committed. The “bad” person is brought to justice and the cause of the common good is served. But my favorite part of the show is just the five minutes devoted to the…
Read MoreWhere is God?
By Sister Liz Christensen, SDS The people cried, “God, help us!” And God gave:
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