Salvatorians approve family charter to fulfill Fr. Jordan’s vision
In October 2012, members from all three branches of the Salvatorian Family gathered in formal assembly from locations near and far via state-of-the-art technology at the time. Our purpose: to approve the Salvatorian Family Charter. The approved document spells out attributes we all share related to our Salvatorian life, charism, spirituality, community and mission. In essence, the Charter gives voice to the founding grace, or charism we have inherited from Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan. Today, we live out that charism in a variety of life styles.
The approved Charter text found here emerged from more than 13 years of international conversation and study by members of all three branches of the Salvatorian Family. From around the world, Salvatorians developed culturally appropriate interpretations, and adapted the master charter document to make it their own.

Here in the United States, we engaged in a series of “Conversations on the Charter” by region. In time, the “fire” of Father Jordan and pioneer members, especially Blessed Mary of the Apostles and Father Bonaventure Lüthen sparked new flames around the globe. Salvatorian universality gained momentum as we witnessed Father Jordan’s full dream becoming a reality. Through this refinement process the Charter became a unified expression of what it means to be a Salvatorian. Grounded and bonded in this common identity, each branch distilled how they would live it out as lay persons, women and men religious or ordained priests. Finally, the Salvatorian Family could say to the world, “We live our call in equality and complementarity in ways appropriate to our diverse states of life, gifts and cultures.” (Salvatorian Family Charter 1)
Salvatorian Charter Conversations Spark Enthusiasm
Back in 2009, Salvatorians from across the U.S. voiced their sentiments about the Charter Conversations for the summer issue of The Salvatorian. We share them here:
“I enjoyed the willingness of our people to gather for these conversations.”
Fr. Loren Nys, SDS – New Holstein, Wis.
“I found it valuable to bring Tucson and Phoenix area Salvatorians together for this faith-based discussion.”
Sr. Jane Eschweiler, SDS – Tucson, Ariz.
“It gave some good meat to our Regional gathering which has usually been strictly social.”
Rita Schillin, SDS – Roseville, Calif.
“I’ve been amazed at the great turnout we’ve had for the evening sessions in the Milwaukee Region. People continue to make it a priority. That’s awesome.”
Sr. Carol Thresher, SDS – Milwaukee, Wis.
“I’ve felt more connected to the larger Salvatorian Family.”
Don Ertl, SDS – Hilbert, Wis.
“I’m presently in formation, and was deeply touched by Fr. Jordan’s belief that when you love the cross and the Savior, you can better accept suffering. This has helped me accept times of suffering in my life. I am thankful to be part of the Salvatorian Family and to be able to share my feelings with others who have been through formation.”
Debbie Breese (Sisters’ candidate) – Wauwatosa, Wis.
“This Charter has a lot of energy! Our conversations have been thought-provoking and respectful dialogue. I am looking forward to the National Assembly and sharing more.”
Fr. Glen Willis, SDS – Silver Spring, Md.
“Personally, the Charter Conversations were a ‘dream come true.’ The discussion gave me great hope because of the depth of sharing which animated the participants. What’s next?”
Sr. Jenada Fanetti, SDS – Mount Calvary, Wis.
“The best and most valuable thing has been that we’ve sat down and talked to one another about the heart of what it means to be Salvatorian.”
Fr. Joe Lubrano, SDS – St. Francis, Wis.
Our 125 Year Celebration
As we look back on our 125th anniversary of coming to the USA, we invite you to reminisce with us. We've launched all 5 time lines with historical milestones and stories that bring to life the experiences of our sisters who came before us.
Era 1: 1895-1920
Responding to Immigrant Needs
The missionary response of hearty immigrant women religious characterizes the first 25 years of Salvatorian Sisters’ presence in the United States ...
Era 2: 1920-1950
Expanding in an “American” Church
By 1920, life for a Salvatorian Sister in the USA was radically different than it had been 25 years earlier. World War I ....
Era 3: 1950-1970
Embracing Renewal
Bob Dylan’s 1964 classic, The Times They Are A Changing, captures the high energy of this era. Change was afoot both outside and inside the Salvatorian convent walls...
Era 4: 1970-2000
Building Collaboration
Events of the mid-1960s renewed the collaborative energy that had always characterized Salvatorian life. Cloistered living ...
Era 5: 2000-2020
Searching for New Footing in a Changing World
When the new millennium arrived on January 1, 2000, Salvatorian Sisters were already five years into our second century on USA soil. Our ...