Posts Tagged ‘Birthday Advice’
2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Mary Evelyn Zimbauer
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. Remember the prayer mom taught us to pray to our guardian angel when we were young. Don’t forget to talk to him often. He is your constant companion and there…
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Karlyn Cauley
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. Advice to my 20 year old self: your vocation as a Salvatorian Sister will be a prized possession!
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Debra Breese
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. I would say slow down, you move to fast. Got to make the day last. Take every hour of everyday to enjoy what God has planned for you each day.…
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Jenada Fanetti
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. Stay closely connected to our Loving God who will be your strength and guide in life. Together you can face any challenge that comes your way.
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Deanna Schroeder
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. My words of wisdom … Always cherish the innocence of little children. In my first year of teaching one of my little boys said, “You are the light of my…
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Liz Christensen
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. At the time I was sensing an invitation to once again consider the Salvatorians, so my advice would be: “be still; listen to God’s invitation – and respond.”
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Jane Eschweiler
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. To Sr. Jane Marie, novice, 20, from Sr. Jane Eschweiler, 73: You can stop worrying about what others think; they aren’t thinking of you at all!! Freed from that worry,…
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Beverly Heitke
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. In my early 20s, I volunteered for our mission in Tanganyika, East Africa. To prepare, I was assigned to nursing studies at Salvator Mundi International Hospital’s School of Nursing in…
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Mary Lee Grady
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. Trust in God. Have faithful friends. Believe in yourself.
Read More2020 Birthday Advice: Sister Mary Jo Stoffel
As Salvatorian Sisters continue to age in wisdom and grace in the year 2020, each shares advice to her 20-year-old self to celebrate her birthday. Try to be a kinder teacher rather than a perfect one.
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